The Dandelion Group


Lifting spirits

‘The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.’ - Voltaire’s words particularly hold true when you have to give a presentation.

The gentleman on the portrait is less dull than he looks. Edward Thorndike is one of the most-cited psychologists of the 20th century. He identified the halo effect and showed how initial impressions influence our judgement. Exhausted people in pain will have to establish ethos quickly. In contrast, an attractive, happy person often comes across as more intelligent than s/he might be.

How to get into a good mood

  1. Listen to music that makes you smile.
    (e.g. Journey - Don’t stop believing.)

  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
    (e.g. chanting om)

  3. Eat something heathy and yummy.
    (e.g. a greek yoghurt for breakfast)

  4. Help another person.
    (e.g. support a fellow worker finishing a task )

  5. Have a motivating conversation.
    (e.g. Call an upbeat friend.)

  6. Rearrange furniture.
    (e.g. in the living room)


Write down a 3- or a 6-step emergency plan to bust bad moods. The steps should form the word “J.O.Y.” or “J.O.Y.F.U.L.“ as exemplified above.

Learn the techniques. Boost your confidence. Make your point.
here to jump the curve.

Ben WilhelmComment